Zero Waste Hummus

I am such a fan of hummus! I love it as a protein heavy snack on vegetables and as a spread on homemade naan. But I find the amount of packaging associated with store bought hummus so frustrating. First, it comes in a plastic container. Second, cardboard covers the outside of the plastic container. And third, there’s a plastic film separating the hummus from the plastic container. Why so much waste?!

I give a big “thumbs up” to the Zero Waste Chef who has an amazing blog filled with insights about zero waste cooking. She inspired me to try making my own hummus and now I do!

Most recipes for making hummus require a food processor and because I don’t own one, I shied away from making my own hummus. But I discovered I could use a blender instead, and what you have here is a “blender inspired” hummus recipe.

zero waste hummus

A note about the ingredients. I am able to buy chickpeas and olive oil in my bulk section at Lake Winds Co-op. The other ingredients come package-free, except for the tahini (I buy this in a glass jar) and the salt. To prepare your chickpeas, soak them overnight and then boil them on the stove top for an hour or two (until soft).

I hope you enjoy this recipe!

Zero waste hummus with a blender

Yields: 1.5 cups of hummus. Prep time: 25 minutes. Waste: Zero!


  • 1/2 cup dried chickpeas, soaked and cooked
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 1/4-1/2 cup olive oil


  1. Add your chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, salt, and garlic to a large bowl
  2. Mash with a mortar or spoon until most of the chickpeas have pulverized to a paste
  3. Transfer the contents of your bowl to your blender. Slowly add olive oil, stopping to turn the blender on and to mix the ingredients with a spatula.
  4. Once you’ve added enough olive oil that the hummus is consistently being blended on it’s own, transfer to a serving bowl.
  5. Garnish with olives, sliced bell peppers, or slices of homemade naan.

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