Tips for a Zero Waste Closet- The Joy of a Clothing Swap

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One of the best behavioral changes you can make in an effort to be more sustainable is to consume less.  But if you do decide you need an item, I recommend trying to purchase it second hand (also known as “thrifting”).  By purchasing an item second hand instead of new, you are making a huge positive impact on the environment. You are not contributing to the extraction of resources for that item, the transportation to it’s manufacturing location, and then the transportation to the sale location.

If you are someone who loves clothes, and loves having something new to wear, I recommend hosting a clothing swap. I fell in love with clothing swaps after a friend of mine hosted one last year (thanks, Elizabeth!).

What is a clothing swap?

A clothing swap is an event wherein participants exchange their valued but no longer used clothing for clothing they will use. A clothing swaps is a great way to update your wardrobe and find homes for those items you are no longer loving.

Photo from:

How do I prepare for a clothing swap?

I suggest starting by looking at your closet. I like to use a little trick that I learned from an online style blog where I put a hanger with a handkerchief at one end of my closet. As I work my way through the clothes in my closet, I put all the items I wear in front of the handkerchief. When I get to those items way at the back, I often find that I’m not wearing them because they don’t fit me anymore or I’ve outgrown the style. I put those aside in a “clothing swap” pile.

Who do I invite to my Clothing Swap?

Invite a variety of people, in all shapes and sizes, but try to have a few people in each size category so that everyone invited has several items to chose from. If you have someone coming that is the lone person in their size, don’t worry too much because people usually bring accessories, shoes, and jewelry.

Photo from

When should I notify guests?

I like to send a “Save the Date” email a few months before a change of the season, so that everyone has time to go through their closet and/or replicate the handkerchief trick. Then I send out a casual email invitation a few weeks prior to the date.

Your email can be as simple as this one:

Hi Everyone!

I will be hosting a clothing swap on April 8th starting at 2pm at my house. Bring anything that you would like to exchange that’s wardrobe related (shoes, purses, jewelry, etc) in addition to clothes. If you don’t have anything to swap, still join us to look through some clothes and hang!
Don’t know what a clothing swap is? It’s an opportunity for us to get together and exchange our gently used clothes that we no longer are using/need. 
Let me know if you can make it.
Or you can go all out and design an invitation like this one:
The logistics
Stage the swap however works for you and your space. As long as people can display their items somehow and try stuff on, your guests will be happy. I’ve attended swaps in tight spaces where all tops are in the kitchen, bottoms in the bedroom, shoes by the front door, etc. And I’ve attended a swap where everything was laid on top of a table.
If you can have a few mirrors available that will be helpful as everyone will want to check out the clothes they are trying on.
Photo from
Unclaimed clothes
It is common that the host will end up with the leftover items that are not swapped. Have a plan before the swap as to what you will do with these.  I like Goodwill and the Epilepsy Foundation (EF will pick up your donations curbside- winning).
I would love to hear about your swap experience! Please share photos, stories, etc.

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2 Replies to “Tips for a Zero Waste Closet- The Joy of a Clothing Swap”

  1. Hooray! So much fun. I’ve helped host a general swap that included some clothing, but it sounds like a purely clothing one would be great, too.

    1. It is really fun!

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