I set a challenge for myself to grocery shop waste free for the month of February. For the last 28 days I have tried to purchase all of my groceries totally unpackaged while also incorporating new shopping techniques, like shopping the bulk aisle, bringing my own cloth bags for breads and grains, and bringing my own jars […]
Zero Wasted
A Zero Waste Valentines Day
I love my husband. He is sweet, kind, thoughtful, attentive, and very good looking. Over the five years we have been together he has become an excellent gift giver. He has bought and made me items that I love. He is pretty much the best. Now that we are transitioning to a zero waste lifestyle, I […]
Learning From My Trash How I Can Change My Future
For the month of February I have committed to trying zero waste grocery shopping. To me, this means that I will use reusable items like cloth bags for produce and glass jars for use in the bulk section, while also buying items that are package free. So no boxes of crackers or packaged dates from […]