
  • Hummus!!!!!I feared I was the only one.
    I use a shampoo bar and then rinse my hair with apple cider, it doesn’t smell to me…?
    A big fail for me was the deodorant, the coconut ruined a lot of my shirts so now I use a recipe I found from “going zero waste blog”

  • I’ve only gotten the “weird looks” at stores a few times. Most people thing its cool and have told me they are going to start doing the same thing. I’m a very shy person and normally this would bother me but I just remind myself that I’m just living the values that I’ve always had. I’m doing this for the planet, for the other precious organisms…[Read more]

  • I totally agree with her statement, the biggest change for me was diet, I do love salt and vinegar potato chips and soda. But I finally gave it up (it took a very long time to give up the soda though 🙁 ).

  • I think a lot of us forget that most of the waste is produced before the actual product is delivered to the shelf. For example, the meat, egg and dairy industry (a touchy subject for many). Not including the suffering, brutality and fear that is perpetrated here, these industries are responsible for a lot of pollution. Individuals are now rising…[Read more]

  • I agree with this statement because I see it on a daily basis and sadly this was how I used to live (sometimes), although I wasn’t fully aware of what my decisions had on the environment at the time, even though I had always considered myself an environmentalist.

  • I initially learned all about the zero waste movement through Bea’s book/blog and I realized that this is pretty much the way my grandparents lived. They didn’t think of it as being “zero waste” or being environmentally friendly, it was simply their way of life. Bringing mason jars/containers to a store was a novel idea for me because I’m a shy…[Read more]

  • Too few people care or bother to take action/change when they have been exposed to the depths of pollution plaguing the planet. Everyone at my workplace knows about the plastic pollution problem and the toxic consequences to our own health and the environment (I get asked a lot of question about why I always bring my own utensils, water bottle…[Read more]

  • Vanna became a registered member 7 years, 1 month ago